



Kevin Costner, a famous american actor, was born in Los Angeles. He spent his childhood often on the move, changing schools frequently, owing to his father's job at the regional electricity company. As a teenager, he developed a keen liking for football, baseball and basket-ball and was also interested in singing and writing poetry.

He married his college sweetheart Cindy wilst still at California State University and came out with a business degree in marketing. In his spare time he appeared in local theatre productions. Theatre became increasingly important to him and after having worked six weeks in a marketing company, he gave the job up to become an actor.

He played in many small part roles before his principle role which was not a success. However Costner himself was given good reviews. In 1987 his starring role in «The Untouchables» and «No Way Out» really introduced him to international fame. Indeed, he won the Star of Tomorrow prize from the U. S. National Association of Theatre Owners. Then in 1988 came «Bull Durham» which was a huge hit movie in the States about baseball. His subsequent film «Field of Dreams» was also a success and touched baseball again. Then came the violent drama movie «Revenge» followed by his first directorial debut film «Dances With Wolves» in which he also starred and which won 7 Oscars. His movie «Robin Hood, Prince of the Thieves» was also a great success.

I like this actor because the characters he plays are strong personalities, wise people who are worthy of my admiration. In my opinion, this is the reason of his growing popularity in many, countries. He is not only a talented actor, who's acting draws your attention from the very moment you see his face on the screen. But he is also a successful producer and continues working at his new films which are certain to amuse the people.




1.    Where was Kevin Costner born?

2.    How did he spend his childhood?

3.    How did he start acting?

4.    Which film introduced him to international fame?

5.    Which film was his first directorial debut?

6.    What was his sweetheart's name?

7.    Which film won 7 Oscars?




to spend (spent, spent) — проводити

keen liking for — палке захоплення

sweetheart — кохана spare time — вільний час

to be a success — мати успіх

to win (won) — вигравати, здобувати перемогу

to draw smb's attention to — привертати чиюсь увагу


My favourite actor
One of the great actors who made a strong impression on me is Will Smith. I think he is a brilliant actor with a lot of talents. All his characters are bright individuals and Will plays them perfectly well. Today he is called one of the most powerful actors in Hollywood. He has been nominated for Golden Globe awards and Academy awards for his starring roles in action films, science fiction films, comedies and dramas. By the way Will is also a rap singer and his musical career is quite successful too. He has earned four Grammy awards in music.

Smith was born in 1968 in Philadelphia West. He began his acting career in 1993 with a major role in the drama “Six Degrees of Separation”. And after that Will Smith has starred in such massive blockbuster films as “Men in Black”, “I am Legend”, “Independence Day”, “I, Robot”, “Hancock”, “Seven Pounds” and “After Earth”. He has played plenty of interesting roles, and two of them he has done together with his son Jaden.

To my mind Will is the most fascinating actor and producer. I can watch his movies lots of times and every time I really enjoy his acting. He can be funny and serious, cold and sensitive. And I cannot wait for his new masterpieces because he always tries something new.
Джерело: https://learn-english.net.ua/samovchitel/tema-mij-ulyublenij-aktor-my-favourite-actor


Reflexive  Pronouns

1. He ………………… cleaned the floor.

2. The Chief Minister ………………….. said so.

3. The dog hurt ………………………

4. They got …………………… into a mess.

5. We enjoyed …………………… during the holidays.

6. Do it ………………………

7. She cursed …………………….. for losing the key.

8. I congratulated ……………………… for winning the game.

9. They blamed …………………….. for the accident.

10. I ……………………… spoke to the minister.


Напишіть речення, ставлячи дієслова у правильну форму:

  1. I lost the key that he (give)  to me.
  2. She told me that she (see)  the film .
  3. I went outside as I (hear)  a noise.
  4. She picked out the red dress, which she (not / wear)  for ages.
  5. Mike (not / swim)  in the beach before that day.
  6. His father was angry because he (not / help)  him.
  7. (you / have)  dinner before you left the house?
  8. (he / manage)  to find a place to stay when he went to Paris?
  9. Where (she / stay)  before she moved to live with her boyfriend?


My favourite kind of sport

I like one good proverb: "In sports and journeys men are known." I believe it means that sport which person plays can show who this person is and tell a lot about his inner–world.
There are so many kinds of sport: football, basketball, and hockey for active team players; ice–skating, running or track and fields for hard–working individuals and even chess and other intellectual kinds of sport. So you only need to find yours. 
Personally, I think that sport is as important to me as education. I’m convinced that the sound mind is in a sound body. Therefore, I’m trying to keep fit by different means. I like different active team games in summer. I can play beach volleyball or tennis with my friends. In winter I prefer going to the gym or some kinds of winter sports as ice–skating or snowboarding. This is great fun. In spring and autumn when the weather is good I love jogging in the park enjoying the nature around. 
However, there is one sport that brings me the most of the pleasure. It’s horse–riding. I have been doing this kind of sport for only 2 years, but I’m already quite good at it. There is a small school of horse–riding not far away from the town where I live. There are not many horses, but I need only one. Its nickname is Lucky and I have been riding it since early beginning of my training. I like the coach too. She teaches me to take care of horses and to communicate with them.
Unfortunately, this kind of sport is expensive and I don’t have an opportunity to do it on a regular basis. Nevertheless, when I’m riding I feel a great influence of this animal. It’s not just a kind of sport but a kind of psychotherapy that gives you spiritual balance.
So, I can recommend trying this sport for sure, because it’s appropriate for everyone and it’s more than just physical activity. 


Complete with the correct question tags

1. She works here, …………………………?

2. You know him, ………………………..?

3. She sent you a letter, ……………………….?

4. You went to work yesterday, ……………………..?

5. You saw something there, ………………………..?

6. Sam wants to be an architect, …………………………?

7. Suma is a teacher, ………………………..?

8. They have finished the job, ……………………….?

9. There is something on the roof, …………………………?

10. He recognized you, …………………………?


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population - населення

heart - серце

government - уряд

tоwer — вежа

tоmb — могила

bаttle — битва

іn соnсlusіоn — як підсумок

     Lоndоn іs the саpіtаl оf Greаt Brіtаіn, іts pоlіtісаl, eсоnоmіс аnd сulturаl сentre. Іt's оne оf the lаrgest сіtіes іn the wоrld. Іts pоpulаtіоn іs mоre thаn 7 mіllіоn peоple. Lоndоn іs sіtuаted оn the rіver Thаmes. The сіtу іs verу оld аnd beаutіful. Іt wаs fоunded mоre thаn twо thоusаnd уeаrs аgо. Trаdіtіоnаllу Lоndоn іs dіvіded іntо

severаl pаrts: the Сіtу, the West End, the Eаst End аnd Westmіnster.

     The Сіtу іs the оldest pаrt оf Lоndоn, іts fіnаnсіаl аnd busіness сentre. The heаrt оf the Сіtу іs the Stосk Exсhаnge. Westmіnster іs the mоst іmpоrtаnt pаrt оf the саpіtаl. Іt's the аdmіnіstrаtіve сentre. The Hоuses оf Pаrlіаment, the seаt оf the Brіtіsh Gоvernment, аre there. Іt's а verу beаutіful buіldіng wіth twо tоwers аnd а

verу bіg сlосk саlled Bіg Ben. Bіg Ben іs reаllу the bell whісh strіkes everу quаrter оf аn hоur. Оppоsіte the Hоuses оf Pаrlіаment іs Westmіnster Аbbeу. Іt's а verу beаutіful сhurсh buіlt оver 900 уeаrs аgо. The tоmbs оf mаnу greаt stаtesmen, sсіentіsts аnd wrіters аre there. Tо the west оf Westmіnster іs West End. Here we fіnd mоst оf the bіg shоps, hоtels, museums, аrt gаllerіes, theаtres аnd соnсert hаlls.

     Pісаdіllу Сіrсus іs the heаrt оf Lоndоn's West End. Іn the West End there аre wіde streets wіth beаutіful hоuses аnd mаnу pаrks, gаrdens аnd squаres. Tо the eаst оf Westmіnster іs the Eаst End, аn іndustrіаl dіstrісt оf the саpіtаl. There аre nо pаrks оr gаrdens іn the Eаst End аnd уоu саn't see mаnу fіne hоuses there. Mоst оf the plаnts аnd fасtоrіes аre sіtuаted there.

     Lоndоn hаs mаnу plасes оf іnterest. Оne оf them іs Buсkіnghаm Pаlасe. Іt's the resіdenсe оf the Queen. The Englіsh аre prоud оf Trаfаlgаr Squаre, whісh wаs nаmed sо іn memоrу оf the vісtоrу аt the bаttle. There іn 1805 the Englіsh fleet defeаted the fleet оf Frаnсe аnd Spаіn. The lаst plасe оf іnterest І shоuld lіke tо mentіоn, іs the Brіtіsh Museum, the bіggest museum іn Lоndоn. The museum іs fаmоus fоr іts lіbrаrу -оne оf the rісhest іn the wоrld.

    Аll Lоndоn's lоng-pаst hіstоrу іs tоld bу іts streets. There аre mаnу streets іn Lоndоn whісh аre knоwn аll оver the" wоrld. Аmоng them Оxfоrd Street, Dоwnіng Street аnd а lоt оf оthers саn be mentіоned. Аnd tоurіsts аre usuаllу аttrасted nоt оnlу bу the plасes оf іnterest but bу the streets tоо. Іn соnсlusіоn І shоuld sау іf уоu аre luсkу enоugh tо fіnd уоurself іn Lоndоn sоme dау уоu wіll hаve а lоt tо see аnd enjоу there.




Task 1. Answer the questions

1. When wаs Lоndоn fоunded?

2. Intо whiсh pаrts is Lоndоn divided?

3. Whаt is the heаrt оf the Сitу?

4. Dо уоu knоw аnу plасes оf interest in Lоndоn?

5. Аll Lоndоn's histоrу is tоld bу its streets, isn't it?

Task 2. Complete the sentences

• Lоndоn is the саpitаl оf …

• Mоre thаn … milliоn peоple live in Lоndоn.

• The heаrt оf Lоndоn is …

• The administrative сentre is …

• … lives in Buсkinghаm Pаlасe.

• Оne оf the greаtest аnd оldest сhurсhes is …

• … is in the сentre оf Lоndоn.

• The lаrgest сlосk is …

Ÿ  .... is аn іndustrіаl part оf London

• Lоndоn is situаted оn …

• Westmіnster Аbbeу is ...

Put the questions to the sentence

The London Eye is a huge Ferris wheel next to the river Thames.


A Choose the correct answer. 
1. I heard a knock at the front door so I (went / was going) to answer it. 2. At this time yesterday, I (wrote / was writing) an essay. 3. The football season (began / was beginning) a month ago. 4. She (had graduated / graduated) from school in 2001. 5. We entered the house quietly because everyone (was sleeping / had slept). 6. By the time we (got / had got) to the cinema, the film had already started. 7. The children (were playing / played) in the garden while their parents were watching them. 8. They (had left / left) many hours before we arrived.

Complete with the correct question tags
We are collecting old CDs, ---- ?
I often watch TV in the evening, ---- ?
You have done the washing, ---- ?
Everybody is ready, ---- ?
The mall is closed today, ---- ?
Jessica couldn’t hand in her assignment on time, ---- ?
I am tall enough to play basketball, ---- ?
Your father has a convertible car, ---- ?
They didn’t recognize me, ---- ?
Nothing was wrong, ---- ?
Mind your own business, ---- ?
   Let’s take a break, ---- ?


I know only few people who enjoy household duties. Nevertheless, keeping the house clean and tidy is very important. At least parents say that. So what exactly do house chores include?

My tasks about the house can be divided into two sorts – daily and weekly chores. Every day starts with making my bed. If clothes are messy, I need to pick them up. I noticed that all my schoolbooks and copybooks are in order, preparation takes less time. One of the duties is to wash the dishes. It is the most unpleasant for me. If only we had a washing machine at home!..

Several times a week I have to go shopping. It is easy as mother gives me a shopping list and allows buying something sweet. She never makes me carry heavy bags so I go to the store when some products are out. Fortunately, I’m not the only child in the family, so we share some responsibilities with my elder sister. She often forgets something or asks me to wash her cup or plates. That is a piece of cake; I try to help all the time.

On Saturday or Sunday we have our house cleaned. That means sweeping and washing the floor, vacuum cleaning, dusting, laundering and ironing. At the weekend the whole family works. Father cleans the bathroom with a detergent. Mother takes laundering and ironing. My sister and I need to cope with the rest. Luckily, it doesn’t take a lot of time and in the afternoon everyone finishes the duties.

As for me, cleaning the house is boring but it helps to discipline people. It goes without saying that a clean and cozy house is better than untidy and messy one.




Read and translate the text

There are a lot of places of interest in London. Among them there are: Westminster Abbey,the Houses of Parliament, Buckingham Palace, St Paul’s Cathedral, London Bridge, the Tower of London. London stands on the river Thames. Crossing the river by the Tower Bridge you can see the Tower of London. It is one of the oldest buildings of the city. Many centuries ago it was a fortress, a royal palace and then a prison. Now it is a museum of arms. On the bank of the Thames, not far from the Tower of London, you can see Westminster Palace, or the Houses of Parliament. It is the seat of the British government and it is one of the most beautiful buildings in London. In one of its towers there is famous Big Ben, the largest clock of England. It strikes every quarter of an hour. Buckingham Palace is the Queen’s official London residence. Tourists always go to see the ceremony of changing the Guard there. London has many fine squares. Some of them are quiet, others are busy like Trafalgar Square. Trafalgar Square is the central square of the city. To the right of the square there is the National Gallery which has a fine collection of European paintings. St Paul’s Cathedral is the biggest English church. Another famous church is Westminster Abbey where kings, queens, and many famous people are buried. London is also famous for its beautiful parks. Hyde Park is the most democratic park in the world, as anyone can say anything he likes there. Regent’s Park is the home of London Zoo.

06.05. 2022

Read and translate the text


I'm from Ukraine. The capital of our country is Kiev. It is a very beatiful city, especially in spring when the chestnut trees are in blossom.
Kiev is a large political, industrial, scientific and cultural centre. Its population is above 2 mln people. Kiev is situated on the Dnieper, the longest river in Ukraine.
The capital of Ukraine is one of the oldest cities in Europe, and it's no wonder because it was founded more than 1500 years ago. There is a legend about its founding.

Once there were three brothers: Kiy, Shchek and Khoriv and they had a young sister Lybed. They founded a city on one of the hills above the Dnieper and called it Kiev after the eldest brother. Anin honour of the younger brother one hill was named Shchekavitsa, and another — Khorevitsa, while the river was called Lybid after their sister.Ancient Kyiv was a large commercial centre of the East Slavs. Its position on the important water route helped its trade. It played an important role in the development of written language, literature, painting and architecture.Modern Kiev has a highly developed industry. Many different things are produced in it.Speaking about kiev I cannot help saying that it is the largest centre of national Ukrainian culture. The famous Kiev Shevchenko Opera and ballet House, Ivan franko Drama Theatre are well-known all over the world. You can find fifteen studios, a nice circus in the capital of our country.As I have already said Kiev is an important scientific centre. The Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, 19 higher educational institutions, many research institutes are to be found here.

Kiev is famous for its beauty, for its wonderful broad avenues, lots of chestnut trees and flowers all over the place. Tourists are at­tracted by numerous places of historical interest in Kiev. They are Kyiv-Pechersk Lavra, St. Sophia's Cathedral, St. Vladimir's cathedral, the Golden Gate, the monuments to T. G. Shevchenko, the great poet of Ukraine, to Bohdan Khmelnytsky and to Prince Vladimir.

Khreshchatic is one of the most beautiful streets not only in Kiev, but in the whole country as well.As for me I have been to Kiev and I advise you to visit our capital and enjoy its beauty.

05.05. 2022

London — the Capital of the UK

London is the capital of Great Britain, its political, economic and cultural centre. It is one of the largest cities in the world. Its population is more than 11 000 000 people. London is situated on the river Thames.

The city is very old and beautiful. It was founded more than two thousand years ago. Traditionally London is divided into several parts: the City, the Westminster, the West End and the East End.

The City is the oldest part of London, its financial and business centre. The Westminster is the aristocratic official part of London. It includes Buckingham Palace, where the Queen lives, and the Houses of Parliament.

The West End is the most beautiful part of London. The best hotels, restaurants, shops, clubs, parks and houses are situated there.

The East End is an industrial district of London. There are many factories and the Port of London there.

London has many places of interest. One of them is the Houses of Parliament, the seat of the British Government. There one can see the famous Tower Clock Big Ben, the symbol of London. Big Ben is the real bell which strikes every quarter of an hour. Another place of interest is Buckingham Palace. It’s the residence of the Queen. There are many other places of interest in London: Trafalgar Square, Regent’s Park, Westminster Abbey and, of course, the British Museum. It’s impossible to describe all places of interest.

The best way to know London is to visit it.


Прочитати, перекласти, письмово скласти 5 запитань до тексту.

Cinema in Our Life

The movies are truly an art of our time. It is the greatest aesthetic and educational force in the world today.
The invention of the photography in 1828 played a very important role in the development of the cinema. 1895 became the year when the cinema was born. After the brothers Lumier had invented the cinematography, the cinema widely spread all over the world. The first movie theatres appeared in 1904. And in 1907 the literature works started to be widely used for the movie scripts. Now different movie versions of novels and stories of famous writers are still very popular.
The movies are a powerful force in contemporary life. Cinema is also used for educational purposes. Video classes are useful when studying geography, foreign languages and many other subjects. They are also the means of getting acquainted with the world. With the help of documentary and science films one can get much information about the world around. The news on TV helps to know what happens in the world each day. It also helps to attract the attention of people to different important problems, such as hunger, earthquakes, water pollution and so on.
The cinema is also the means of entertainment. After a working day one can relax watching some good movie. Nowadays people can’t just imagine their life without the art of cinema.


Скласти усну розповідь (на 19.04.)

- My favourite film is Stuart Little. It’s an excellent comedy and the main character is a cute little mouse Stuart. He is very funny mouse who can talk, clean his teeth and even drive a car.

In the film, Stuart lives with his adoptive family in New York. He has a lot of exciting and very funny adventures with the cat Snowhite. In the second part they are friends and save the little bird Margalo.

It is my favourite film because Stuart is clever and funny, the music is good and the story is exciting. This is a wonderful film for all the family.

- And now you try to tell us about film which you like using the beginning of the sentences as a plan.

My favourite film is …

It is a …

The main characters are …

In the film, …

It is my favourite film because …


Контрольна робота. Надіслати 31.03 до 21:00

My City- My Home


1.Which room is a favourite in a traditional English house?

a) a kitchen                       c) a living-room

b) a bedroom                   d) a bathroom

2. There is a river in London .It’s called the…

a)  Dnieper                    c) Colorado

b) Thames                   

3. There are a lot of … over the Thames.

a) museums                  c) bridges

b) buildings                   d) shops

4. London taxies are …

a) red                             c) blue

b) black                         d) brown

5. London buses are …

a) yellow                       c) red

b) green                        d) pink

6. You can see mummies in the British …

a) museum                   c) bakes

b) shops                        d) parks

7. You can see a film in the …

 a) market                   c) theatre

 b) cinema                   d) gallary

8. There are many animals in the …

a) street                       c) museum

b) shop                         d) circus

 9. You can eat in the …

a) park                          c) bank

b) restaurant               d) cinema

10. There are many books at the …

a) library                       c) police station

b) bakery                      d) bus stop  

11. What is the capital of Ukraine?

a) London                     c) Lviv

b) Kyiv                           d) Scotland

12. The big clock in London is called …

a) Tower Bridge           c) Double-decker

b) Big Ben                     d) museum





Запишіть слова в словник

It is wet- сиро

It is foggy- туманно

It is muddy-грязно

It is frosty- морозно

a leaf- листок

leaves- листя



Впр. 3,с.98 усно

Д/з впр.2, с.98 письмово. 

Дата: Monday, the 11-th of January



Якою була погода в різних містах світу?

Повторити пори року та місяці

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Виконати впр 1, с.100 (читати, перекладати)

Д/З повторити пори року та назви місяців, впр.2,с.101 письмово.


Розкрийте дужки,використовуючи потрібну форму дієслова.

  1. 1.I (to work) in a bank many years ago
  2. 2.I (to like) flowers before it happened
  3. 3.Tom (to play) the piano yesterday evening
  4. 4.I (to love) you many years ago
  5. 5.Kristina and Mike (to study) English together last winter
  6. 6.You (to enjoy) your last holidays
  7. 7.Anna (to have) a shower this morning
  8. 8.They (to go) at work by bus last morning
  9. 9.Cats (to drink) milk yesterday
  10. 10.She (to get up) early this morning
  11. 11.He (to swim) in a pool last week
  12. 12.We (to sing) a song on the party last night

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